W. A. Hume: ENGL 100—Elements of EnglishTEXT: Sentence Skills, A Workbook for Writers (6th ed.) by John Langan COURSE DESCRIPTION: Elements of English is an introductory study of and practice in writing, focusing on basic skills at the levels of sentence, paragraph, and short essay. Students will intensely review grammatical patterns, sentence structure, and mechanics. COURSE OBJECTIVES: !Each student will use the learned skills in practical applications, showing writing ability and skill assimilation. !Each student will develop confidence and competence in his or her writing skills for future writing needs. REQUIREMENTS: x A MID-TERM and FINAL exam will be required. The exams will be comprehensive, covering the skills achieved up to the point of testing.x FINAL GRADE: Your final grade will be figured by averaging your scores achieved through mid-term and final tests (50%), mastery quizzes (20%), writing assignments (25%), and completion of an exercise portfolio (5%).GRADING SCALE:: 100-90…A; 89-80…B; 79-70…C; 69-60…D; Below 60…F Any in-class quizzes receiving a grade of less than 60 must be retaken (up to three times) until a passing grade is achieved. Click mailbox to e-mail instructor Disclaimer: Information contained in this syllabus, to the best of the knowledge of the instructor, was considered correct and complete when distributed for use at the beginning of the semester. However, this syllabus should not be considered a contract between the University of Maryland and any student. The instructor reserves the right, acting within the policies and procedures of UMUC, to make changes in course content or instructional technique without prior notice or obligation. |